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Re: Applet security (was Re: ActiveX security hole reported).

On Aug 28,  8:52am, Mary Ellen Zurko wrote:
> Lots of people are talking about it. At the W3C, they're proposing a
> Digital Signature project, with one part being work on the signature
> technology, and one part being work on the policy. They're floating
> extending PICS for policy, but I don't see that a language designed for
> linear rating scales is a particularly good starting point. They've
> also mentioned SDSI, which looks like it has more promise.

More information on SDSI is available at:


The concept is interesting.  The implementation is fairly clean (if you can
accept LISP/Scheme syntax and all its baggage).  It has support from MS, which
depending on your point of view might be a good thing.

I have no affiliation with this other than listening to Ron give the keynote at
the USENIX Security Symposium and reading the paper.


Steve Lodin - Delco Electronics - swlodin@delcoelect.com - (317)451-0479

It's unAmerican and the Government has us by the short and curlies.
	-- Marcus Ranum about commercial key escrow
